Monday, September 20, 2010

Where Does Time Fly

Yes, where does it fly to when we are having fun. Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Family members have been ill again. I was also nearing completing my beautiful Sophia and I wanted to wait until I finished her before doing that.

As you can see here she is in all of her glory. She is such a beautiful sampler and I do love the 2 sheep down the bottom. They seem to be saying "Who me!" lol.

I am planning on hanging Sophia next to my Grazing Sheep Sampler. I think they will look lovely hanging together.

I have also decided to work on Harriet Burry for a time. Unfortunately, I am going to run out of the gold silk that is in the house. I am going to try and get as much done before I run out. I haven't done any of the verse yet, bu will soon start tackling it. I always find this bit "a bit boring" and I am enjoying seeing Harriet all come together in all of her glory.
I am looking forward though to starting my next sampler. It is another one of those samplers that I fell in love with when I first saw it (funny though, I seem to fall in love with a lot of samplers when I first see them lol). I struck "pay dirt" when I discovered that I could get this one out here and it is now sitting waiting all kitted up for me to start it. It is another sampler with a challenge. I seem to like a challenge in samplers.

Another reason why it has taken me so long to finish Sophia and also to post is that I picked up the old knitting needles and made myself this lovely scarf.
I saw one of those curly scarves that everybody seems to be making and I decided that I would like to make one in something lovely and soft. We have an Alpaca Shop in the Mountains who sell beautiful clothing and wool made out of Alpaca fibres and this is the colour that I chose. It is a lovely dusty mauve/pink colour.
I started knitting the curly scarf and had about 6 inches done when I decided that it wasn't really me. So I unpicked it all and started again. Luckily I bought 3 skeins but I had to get another skein to finish it. The scarf ended up costing a whole lot more that I originally thought it would. But it is lovely and it is very soft. The only problem is that I most probably won't get to wear it as it is now Spring here. But I will have a lovely scarf next Winter.
I hope that you have a wonderful week, where ever you are in the World and thankful for paying me a visit. I love to receive your comments. They make my day.